Garlic contains compounds with medicinal properties

Garlic is a member of the onion family. It is closely related to such varieties as leeks and shallots. One head of garlic contains from 10 to 20 segments called "cloves".
This plant is grown in many countries around the world and is used to prepare a huge number of dishes. Due to its strong odor and specific taste, the cloves of this plant are most often used as a seasoning.
But in ancient times, garlic was used mainly as a medicine. This use of this plant is documented in a number of sources. It was used by the inhabitants of Egypt, Ancient Greece and even China.
According to scientists, the benefits of garlic are due to the presence of sulfur compounds in its composition, which are formed when garlic segments are crushed or chewed. The most famous of these are allicin, diallyl disulfide, and s-allyl cysteine. Unlike the other two compounds, allicin is unstable and can only be found in freshly chopped or recently crushed garlic. When ingested, all of the above compounds are distributed throughout the body and have a strong biological effect.

Low in calories and high in nutritional value

Despite the fact that garlic is relatively low in calories, it is considered a very nutritious product. To prove this, let's look at the content of the daily value of nutrients in one 28-gram serving of garlic

  • Manganese - 23 percent;
  • vitamin B6 - 17 percent;
  • vitamin C - 15 percent;
  • selenium - 6 percent;
  • fiber - 0.6 grams.

  • In addition, the cloves of this plant contain calcium, potassium, iron, copper, phosphorus and vitamin B1. It also contains a relatively small amount of a number of other nutrients.

    It's also worth noting that 28 grams of garlic contains 42 calories, 1.8 grams of protein and about 9 grams of carbohydrates.

    Garlic helps strengthen the immune system

    Many people know that regular consumption of garlic can improve the functioning of the immune system. Thus, a 12-week study showed that daily consumption of this plant can reduce the risk of developing colds by 63 percent.

    At the same time, scientists have found that when garlic cloves are included in the diet, the duration of treatment for colds and flu symptoms is reduced by 61-70 percent on average. At the same time, to achieve the minimum of these indicators, it is enough to consume 2.56 grams of garlic extract per day.

    Despite all this, in one review, scientists concluded that such evidence is not enough and more research is needed.

    However, despite such a statement by scientists, experts recommend including garlic in the diet of people who often suffer from colds.

    Garlic prevents dementia

    The aging process is accompanied by oxidative damage to cells caused by free radicals. Due to its antioxidant properties, garlic is able to protect the body's cells from oxidative stress.

    According to research, this product can not only increase the level of antioxidant enzymes, but also significantly reduce the level of destructive processes caused by free radicals.

    According to scientists, due to the fact that garlic can simultaneously lower blood pressure, reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood and eliminate the negative effects of free radicals, its use can significantly reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease, as well as other diseases associated with brain disorders.

    Garlic may increase life expectancy

    It is almost impossible to prove the effect of garlic on life expectancy. However, based on all of the above beneficial properties of this plant, it can be argued that its regular use can eliminate a number of risk factors that reduce life expectancy. Thus, garlic can increase life expectancy.

    We should also not overlook the fact that garlic can prevent infectious diseases, which are often the cause of death, especially in the elderly and people with immune system dysfunction.